
Kids' Ministries
Ages birth to 2 years old, offered for all worship times.
The children’s worship services are a fun and exciting time. We worship God with music and Bible lessons. There is a preschool program for ages 2-5 years old and an elementary program for ages 6-10 years old .
Grades 1st- 5th will love this fun bible study time with object lessons and scripture memorization offered. Please contact Pastor Kody Cannon with questions regarding any of our children’s programs.
Worship Ministries
The Brook Worship exists to lead people into authentic worship with God. We do this through song, video elements, and art. You will also see our team helping the community during “Night of Worship” events. If you’d like to volunteer or have a passion for worship ministry please contact

Students' Ministries
Wednesday night at 7 PM is when our student ministry life group meets. Together they spend time building their relationships with Jesus! If you ‘d like to be involved contact Pastor Kody Cannon.
Men's Ministries
The Brook Church Men’s Ministry meets the second Saturday of every month at 8:30am. The Brook Church Men’s Ministry focuses on: Reaching men in the community with the Gospel, Exploring Gods Word, Accountability for a Christ like walk, Leading the way for our families in worship and prayer. For more information please contact Pastor John Gordon.

Women's Ministries
The Brook Women’s Ministry meets every other month for Bible study. The focus of The Brook Women’s Ministry is to build relationships, encourage one another, apply God’s Word to your life, and love one another in a Christ like way. For more information please contact Emily Harless.
J.O.Y. Group
Senior Adult Fellowship
The J.O.Y. Group at the Brook is a wonderful group of senior adults who enjoy spending time in fellowship together. They plan times for sharing meals and traveling to see new and exciting things. This sweet group of people are a living example of what it means to live a God filled life. For more information please contact Pastor Bob and Gail Harvey.