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Bill Roberts

Missions Pastor

My journey in following Christ began in November 1973 when I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and come into my life.  I completed a Bachelor of Science degree in biology in the spring of 1974 from Appalachian State University with intentions of seeking a teaching position in the Rowan County School system.  I was contemplating which of two offers I was given as I was cutting grass one day.   Then, clearly the LORD spoke into my thoughts that I was to go back to school and prepare for ministry.  Assuming I was done with school as a student, that was not initially appealing to me.  I shared this with my Dad who immediately began to weep.  I asked him why and he began to tell me that his father, Bill Roberts, had prayed that he and Mom would have a son who would one day go into ministry.  

The LORD led me to enroll in Piedmont Bible College in the fall of 1974 where I attended for 3 years and learned so much about the Word of God.  The church which I was attending began a Christian school ministry and I was persuaded, since I already had a degree from ASU with a minor in education, that I should take a teaching position there.  For 8 years I worked in that ministry bi-vocationally while teaching and then served 2 years as administrator/principal.

In 1979 I traveled to India with Bob Gupta, a PBS classmate of mine, to work for a month with him in the ministry which his father had begun.  It was then that the LORD began to work in my heart developing a desire to be involved in foreign missions.  So, in 1983 I returned to PBC to complete the remaining 12 semesters hours toward a Bachelors in Christian Education degree with a minor in missions.  I was graduated in 1985 and soon began deputation for support to go with my family to India to teach as a guest lecturer at the Hindustan Bible Institute and College which was in the city of Madras (now Chennai) on the south east coast of India.  My wife, Mary, and our two boys (Jason was 10, and Neal was 5) had a wonderful and memorable time serving there and have been greatly enriched by the Christian culture there.  I have been blessed to have returned numerous time since to help train village pastors, and for a brief time served as the US Coordinator for the ministry there.

While visiting churches on behalf of the ministry in India, I met a pastor who asked if I would consider praying about joining as an associate pastor.  I knew that this was of the LORD so I worked in that position in a bi-vocational capacity for 8 years.  Then, we were led to become a part of the North campus of Hickory Grove Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Joe Brown where we attended for 18 years.  The last 16 years of that time I taught a single's class and ministered to young to not so young single and single-again adults.   Due to Mary's declining health, I finished a 23 ½ year career in Public Health, and LORD began to direct us to find a church closer home.  This is how we were led to The BROOK.

The LORD knew what he had in store for me there.  All I had asked of the LORD was a chance to teach, knowing that was the gift that HE had given me.   And, although the opportunity was not apparent, we knew that this was His place for us.  And, the opportunity to teach a class opened up within a few weeks.  

It was here at The BROOK where you helped me love Mary into the arms of Jesus and encourage me through a very rough stretch of my life as I lost my Dad as well within  less than a month.

I have enjoyed every opportunity to serve in a teaching capacity and to preach on occasion.  I was also blessed to discover that HE did not intend for me to finish life's journey alone.  It was at The BROOK where I met and married Donna Harless and suddenly went from 2 to 4 sons and from 5 to 10 grandchildren.  I consider myself to be blessed beyond measure.  And now, to serve as your Missions Pastor is a great honor.

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